St. Dunstan in the East Church Garden in London
A good friend posed the question: is London just as you remembered it?
Deep, thoughtful sigh. How do I even begin to answer? The general feeling was the same - the excitement of exploring a place that had always called to me, now sharing stories of my old stomping grounds with my sister and being at a stage in life where sisters can actually enjoy each other’s company.
But my earlier years in London were while I was in college, with a five-week summer program followed by a semester abroad. I was in my early 20s, and my priorities were certainly different then, as was my access to experiences I enjoy now. I’ve traded in clubs for natural wine bars, packed pubs for cozy bars, parks on weekdays, and contemporary art exhibitions featuring diverse creators over the usual, over-studied historic pieces [which of course, have their place].
I’d be remiss if I didn’t also point out the changes in technology that now allow for carefully researched and planned travel. Google wasn’t as popular in my earlier travels, I didn’t have a smartphone abroad, and Instagram wasn’t even born yet during my first time in London! Yes, I’m dating myself a bit here, but the power of social media in researching travel destinations has resulted in some pretty incredible experiences at home and abroad. The Pelican in Notting Hill was a social media find, which resulted in a fantastic last dinner in a cool, candlelit pub... and a celebrity sighting. I search for user-generated content to get a more authentic idea of what a place offers, in addition to pursuing highly curated Instagram feeds. They still have their place, after all.
This recent trip to London has been an interesting case study in time. What else has changed in the last 15 [wow] years? My college ambitions to my adult professional reality are certainly different. The dream had been to live in New York City and work for a notable public relations firm. I never intended to freelance, let alone establish a company of my own. Building websites? What? Never had I ever… but here I am.
And I wouldn’t change a thing.
Reflecting on life, work, and travel has me thinking about the future of RB Collaborative, something that has been weighing on me since last summer when I cleared half my roster to shift and refocus on myself. It’s still a work in progress.
London was an incredible journey. Being able to experience this time around with my sister, really be selective about how and where I spent my time, and finding moments to myself to just be still has me riding the travel high. I wasn’t sure if I would have that same excited feeling I did many times in the past. But I did, and it’s something that I am so thankful to have not lost. It was the perfect amount of time away - I feel invigorated, refreshed, and ready to be back in my routine. I am aware and grateful that I am fortunate enough to travel, and am giving myself grace these next few days as I get back into my workflow. Time off is good for me and good for business. Being prepared pre-adventure certainly helped ;)
Now it’s time to start planning my next adventure…
— RB