Word-of-mouth is really the original social media platform. It’s how you found out what products and services were good, which ones were bad, whose opinion you trusted, and whose you didn’t. This informal exchange of information has always been a powerful marketing tool.
And with the rise of social media and other digital communication channels, word-of-mouth has become even more important for businesses.
Why is word-of-mouth marketing so effective? Let’s take a look at the science behind it. Word-of-mouth is a form of social influence that is based on trust and personal relationships. It operates on the principle that people are more likely to believe and act on the advice of someone they know and trust, rather than on advertising or other forms of marketing.
Here’s how it works in real life: According to a study by Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. Another study by McKinsey found that word-of-mouth is the primary factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions.
In other words, word-of-mouth can have a significant impact on consumer behavior.
The reason why word-of-mouth is so effective lies in the way our brains process information. When we receive information from someone we know and trust, it activates the reward centers in our brain, which release dopamine and other feel-good neurotransmitters. This makes us more likely to remember and act on the information we receive.
Going even further, when we share information with others, it reinforces our own beliefs and strengthens our relationships. Social validation, for better or for worse, is a powerful motivator for human behavior.
So how can you harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing to benefit you and your business?
Focus on the Three E’s:
ENGAGE — Engage with your audience. Listen to them. Participate in conversations about your brand. Be a regular presence in your supporters’ lives.
EQUIP — Give your audience a reason to talk. Whether you’re putting something out there that’s effective, provocative, unbelievable, or even just funny, give them something to talk about.
EMPOWER — Provide your audience with different ways to talk and share their experiences, and invite them to do so. They need to know that they and their opinions are important to you. Help them find ways to share and then help circulate their conversations by resharing.
You never want to let someone’s contribution go without a response. If they write you a good review online, thank them! Respond quickly, let them know you appreciate their time, and invite them to work with you again.
Consider adding testimonials to your website and feature them on social media. Repost user-generated content. Amplify the voices of people who are talking about you and your business.
If they write you a negative review or leave a hurtful comment on social media, respond thoughtfully. In cases like these, your response may not reach the original poster’s heart, but it can have a very positive effect on other readers.
Remember: as John Moore, marketer for Starbucks and Whole Foods says, “If people are not talking about you, they are forgetting about you.” How can you keep the conversation going? Reach out at hello@rbcollaborative.com to find out!